laboratoire national lawrence-berkeley meaning in English
lawrence berkeley national laboratory
- In 2015 Griffin joined Jeffrey Neaton's laboratory at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
En 2015, Griffin a rejoint le laboratoire de Jeffrey Neaton au Laboratoire national Lawrence-Berkeley. - Rarita taught physics at Brooklyn College for 32 years before he became a visiting scientist in the theory group at LBNL.
Rarita a enseigné la physique au Brooklyn College pendant 32 ans avant de devenir chercheur invité au Laboratoire national Lawrence-Berkeley. - This new development was also confirmed in independent work by Edwin M. McMillan and Philip Abelson at Berkeley Radiation Laboratory also in 1940.
Cette nouvelle avancée est confirmée par un travail indépendant d'Edwin M. McMillan et Philip Abelson au Laboratoire national Lawrence-Berkeley également en 1940. - Information is fed to the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, which computes the information to identify new star events.
L’information est envoyée au National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (en) (NERSC) du laboratoire national Lawrence-Berkeley, qui fait des calculs sur les observations. - From 1941 to 1945 Frank worked at the University of California Radiation Laboratory on the problem of uranium isotope separation under the direction of his brother's good friend, Ernest O. Lawrence.
De 1941 à 1945, Frank travaille au Laboratoire national Lawrence-Berkeley, sur le problème de la séparation de l'isotope de l'uranium, sous la direction d'Ernest Lawrence.